Marin rents are out of control. Corporate landlords beat back tenant protections in 2024, but we won’t stop fighting for rent control.

The cost of housing has exploded in Marin. With the average home costing about $1.5 million, the only way that thousands of working families, young people, and seniors are able to make it here is to rent.

Marin rents have skyrocketed to some of the highest in the nation, far outpacing wages. With almost no local protections in place, more than a third of all Marin residents—our friends, families, and neighbors—are one rent hike away from being forced out of their homes and out of our communities.

We need rent control.

Why Rent Control?

Thousands of Marin families are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. Roughly half of all Marin renters are rent-burdened, paying more than 30% of their income on rent. More than a quarter of renters are severely rent burdened, paying more than 50% of their income on rent.

Huge swaths of our community are at risk of displacement and the one-third of Marin residents who rent their home have no housing security. These renters are disproportionately younger, more racially diverse, and more working-class.

Rent control would provide long-term housing stability for renters, putting people before profits.

Rent control (also known as rent stabilization) places a cap on annual rent increases to provide long-term housing security for tenants. Rent control goes hand-in-hand with just cause eviction protections, which prohibit landlords from arbitrarily evicting their tenants.

What is Rent Control?

Get Involved

Join a team of Marin residents—renters, homeowners, seniors, young people, working people—who believe that housing as human right and that we all deserve to stay in our communities.

Coalition Members

  • Disability Justice Marin

  • Fair Housing Advocates of Northern CA

  • Fairfax Community Church

  • Lanai Tenants Association

  • Marin Group

  • United Food & Commercial Workers Local 5