Renters & homeowners live side-by-side in San Anselmo. But steeply rising rents risk pushing families and seniors out of town.

Walk the streets behind downtown San Anselmo or along Sir Francis Drake and Center Boulevards and you’ll pass a blended landscape of small apartment buildings and single-family homes. San Anselmo renters are teachers, healthcare workers, maintenance workers, shopkeepers, and artists – the people who make our communities such lovely places to live. They are young families trying to start their lives and they are seniors on fixed incomes trying to age in place and live with dignity.

Like most of Marin, San Anselmo rents are some of the highest in the entire country. And more and more, small local landlords are selling their buildings to large out-of-town corporate landlords who only care about extracting as much profit from their tenants as possible. Without any local protections, many San Anselmo renters are one sharp rent increase away from being forced out of their homes. That’s why we need the town council to pass rent control and tenant protections.

Please email the town council and urge them to pass strong rent stabilization and just cause eviction protections: